Even though WhatsApp is among the most widely used instant messaging applications globally, it has continually faced one persistent issue. The platform excessively compresses images sent through it, leading to a substantial degradation in photo quality by the time it reaches the receiver’s device. Generally, we sometimes want to send High-quality Photo on WhatsApp without compression, I will show you how
While there has been a generally known workaround to this issue, which is to send your photos as document files, it can be stressful. The good news is that, with the most recent update of WhatsApp, this problem has now been natively addressed, indicating you no longer need to send your photos as documents to maintain their maximum resolution.
As long as you select the HD resolution option before sending, you may send images on the platform without experiencing any high-quality loss, and today I’ll teach you exactly how to achieve it.
How to send High-quality Photo on WhatsApp without compression
As earlier mentioned, you can now send high-quality photos on WhatsApp without losing quality and without sending them as a document. This came with the new update, so it is expected that you have updated your WhatsApp on the Play Store or App Store. Follow these steps to achieve this
- Go to the person you want to send the photo to and tap on the attach button.
Select camera or gallery as the case may be
Search for and select the high-quality photo you wish to send
- Select the HD option at the top of the screen as shown below
- You will be given two options High Definition and Standard Definition as shown below
- Simply select High definition, this will retain the quality of the photo
- Hit the send Button
Thus, there will be little to no compression applied to your photos, which should result in little to no quality loss on the receiver’s device.